
Duration: 3 to 6 months

In the kitchen, your main tasks will be the preparation of dishes for customers, the development of your recipes or even manage the stock. We have places available in the largest hotels of Spain.


That’s why you need a certain level of language to get that kind of job. Teamwork is also a key component of this work, which is why the trainee has a supporting role to the team during the internship. The tourism sector is not easy and the required work requires a big investment because of its difficulty, the flexibility of the schedules and the stressful environment but it remains very enriching.

What to do during his free time?

Doing an internship abroad, away from home is a unique experience in a lifetime. It is therefore very important to live this experience to the maximum by going out and discovering as much as possible during your free time. You can also take the opportunity to discover the country in its entirety to see the different aspects of it in particular at the geographical and cultural level. All these activities will help you not to be homesick.


Many of our destinations require:


Can adapt to flexible schedules: Morning-Afternoon-Night.


Free housing
Free meal

Gratuity of 200 to 300 euros per month

You can also receive Erasmus + Duration: 3 to 6 months.

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